sRide is an application to share your daily commute to work with other people. When registering, you can enter details about your daily commute, including the start and destination, and your usual time of travel. Doing this means that not only can you reduce the pollution generated by an excessive number of vehicles on the roads, but you can also offset the costs of commuting to work.
sRide is very useful if, for example, you work in a large company and cannot check with all your colleagues to see if someone lives nearby. sRide lets you easily find out if someone is on your route.
In your account settings, you can review your routes and make changes to your details, such as the number of seats available (which is set to 3 by default). What you cannot change is the amount of money you get for each route since the app sets this itself. Compensation will depend on the distance you travel.
In addition to sharing your car, sRide is a good way of finding other cars to take, so you don't have to use your own. You can also communicate with other users using the chat within the app itself.
If you're looking to save money commuting to work every day, then downloading the sRide APK is a great idea.